

Join the Giving Tree Family for a 5K walk at Tempe Beach Park supporting Making Strides Against Breast Cancer of Phoenix!

The Giving Tree Making Strides Fundraiser is a six week campaign that will raise money for breast cancer awareness. The campaign will run from Sep. 15th to Oct. 27th, culminating in a 5K Walk at Tempe Beach Park on Oct. 28th.

Throughout the next six weeks, patients are encouraged to donate to the cause when they visit either of our locations. To reward patients for donating, we are holding weekly raffles with winners drawn every Friday! Over a dozen industry vendors have donated over $12,000 in prizes, which means there will be TONS of winners. A great selection of the prizes available will be on display in the dispensaries starting 9/15/17, so make sure to pop in and take a look!


-Raffle will run from Sept. 15th – Oct. 27th (6 weeks). Prizes will be drawn every Friday.

-1 raffle ticket per $5 donation.

-Wednesday’s are 2-for-1 raffle tickets.

-Over $12,000 in prizes


Week 1 (Drawing 9/22) – The Clear Gift Baskets

Week 2 (Drawing 9/29) – Dream Steam Gift Baskets

Week 3 (Drawing 10/6) – Free Timeless for a Year | Pure Edibles / Hi Honey Prize Packages

Week 4 (Drawing 10/13) – Kaya Gift Basket / Hi Honey | Baked Bros Basket / Hi Honey | Gramz Basket / Hi Honey

Week 5 (Drawing 10/20) – Sublime Gift Basket | Kiva Gift Basket

Week 6 (Drawing 10/27) – Kindred Gift Basket | Custom Chameleon Water Pipe | Huxton Gift Basket

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this campaign including The ClearHiBuddy OrganicsChameleon GlassKindredJupiter Research, LLCSublime BrandsDream Steam ArizonaHuxton USAMedicated MavensKiva ConfectionsBaked BrosPure Edibles, Kaya, Timeless VapesCornucopia Health & WellnessTrichrome Care Clinic & Gramz.

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